Last tutorial I gave you an extremely quick introduction to ECMAScript. I introduced functions, variables, and statements. This time out, I'm going to explain how to do useful stuff with these basic building blocks, so we can start to make useful VRML scripts.
Just to recap; an ECMAScript program is made up of functions, which contain a sequence of statements. These statements can do all sorts of things. THey can declare variables, using the var keyword, they can perform calculations, or they can call other functions. When a functions is called, the function is executed and then the result returned to the point in the program where the function call came from, and the program carries on. So, if we assume we start in the main function,
function main() { var a, b; a = 3; b = square(a); print(b); } function square(x) { return x * x; }will declare the variables a and b, and give a the value 3. Then, the function square(a) is evaluated. This means it is called with the value of a (3), and returns a * a (9). B is then given this value. The value of b is then printed, and we get the number 9 out.
OK, this all makes sense. You can see that in an assignment, the RHS (right hand side) of the expression is evaluated and then assigned to the variable on the LHS (left hand side). All makes sense so far? Good, lets take a look at some of the basic variable types we can use in ECMAScript.
Built in to ECMAScript, there are various types. These represent different types of data, such as numbers, strings, and so on. Each variable you declare has a certain type. ECMAScript is different from many other languages in that you do not have to tell the interpreter (the bit that runs your program) what type your variables are. Also, a variable can change type, as shown below.
var a; a = 42; print(a); a = "hello"; print(a);At first, the variable a has no type, as it has not had anything assigned to it. Then, it is given the value 3, making it a number. However, after this, we give it the value of "hello", a string. This is all perfectly legal, and can take a bit of getting used to if you've come from more strongly typed languages like Java or C. The different types are:
Just to go back to the example above briefly, in this piece of code there are two literals. These are values that are actually typed into the program. Above, the number 42 and the string "hello" are literals (string literals are enclosed in 'single' or "double" quotes). These cannot be changed, and are physically part of the program, unlike the variables, which are temporary and can change.
Now, we're going to move on to expressions and operators, and start to learn how we can perform calculations.
ECMAScript, and most other programming languages have a set of functions called operators, which are basic operations that are defined for the simple types. You use these to build up your program, along with other functions. I'm just going to give a brief overview of the most important operators here, so you have a bit of knowledge of how these work before we start in earnest.
There are a number of different types of operators. There are the unary operators, which act only on one variable. This is like a negation operator, which inverts the sign of a value.
a = -a;- is a unary negation operator in this case. Next, there are binary operators, which work on two values, like an addition operator:
a = a + 3;There are also relational operators, which work on relationships between two variables. These are like the greater-than (>) operator.
a = (b < 3);If b is less than three, a will be assigned the boolean value true. Relational operators return boolean values. Equality operators are also relational opearators. The last type we're going to cover now are logical operators. These are AND and OR operators, which work on boolean values. The table below is a list of all the simple operators, and a brief description of what they do and how to use them.
Unary operators
Operator | Description |
- | Negates the argument |
! | NOT operator. !true is false, !false is true |
++ | Increments (adds 1 to) the argument. |
-- | Decrements (subtracts 1 from) the argument. |
typeof | Returns a string containing the type of the argument. |
Before we cover binary operators, one small point about the increment and decrement operators. These can come either before or after their argument, depending on how you want them to work.
var a = 3; var b = a++;In this case, at the end, b will be 3 and a will be 4. The value of a is used in evaluating the RHS of the statement, and is then incremented.
var a = 3; var b = ++a;Here, b will be 4 and so will a. The value of a is incremented and then used in evaluation.
Binary operators
Operator | Description |
+ | Addition |
- | Subtraction |
* | Multiplication |
/ | Division |
% | Modulo (Integer Remainder) |
Relational operators
Operator | Description |
< | Less-than |
> | Greater-than |
<= | Less-than or equal |
>= | Greater-than or equal |
== | Equality |
!= | Inequality |
Logical operators
Operator | Description |
&& | Logical AND |
|| | Logical OR |
The relational operators return boolean values, depending on how they evaulate. Well, That about wraps up operators. Now, we can put them to use! We're very close to being able to write scripts in VRML.
There's a few things you still need to know before you start scripting. There are certain types of statement that allow you to build choice into your programs, to create more complex behaviour. These are loops and conditionals. We'll cover conditionals first.
A conditional statement allows you to check something in your program and make a choice based upon the result. The first conditional statement we'll look at is the if statement. This is of the form
if (boolean expression) statement;or
if (boolean expression) { statements }Now, these are actually exactly the same. A block of statements (enclosed in curly brackets) looks the same from outside as a single statment. So, whenever you are allowed to put a single statement, you can put a sequence in curly brackets.
Anyway, back to the if. The value in brackets is a boolean expression, so an expression that evaluates to a boolean result. If the result is true the statement (or statements) following are executed. If it is false, they are not. So, the following code will print "hello" if a is equal to the number 3.
if (a==3) print("hello");There is another construct we can use with the if. This is the else statement. This must follow the if statement, and is executed if the boolean expression is false.
if ((a==3) || (b==4)) print("hello"); else print("goodbye");This will print "hello" if a is 3 or b is 4, or "goodbye" if neither. Simple!
OK, all very simple so far. However, now we come across the only ternary operator. This is the conditional operator. This is really a shorthand for an if..else statement. It works like this:
test ? true_statement : false_statement;This can be used in places where a full if statement might be a bit bulky and messy. For instance, to assign a value to a variable based on another:
var b = (a<4) ? 3 : 5;If a is less than 4, b will be 3, otherwise it will be 5.
ECMAScript has two basic loops, the while loop and the for loop. These allow you to perform a statement or set of statements until a condition is met. Let's take a look at the while loop first.
while (boolean expression) statement;As for the if statement, you can have a block of statements in place of the single statement. The while loop tests the boolean expression before the statement is executed. If the result is true, the statement is executed. Then, the expression is evaluated again and the process repeats. So, the loop executes until the expression is false.
var a=0; while (a<3) { a = a + 1; }This loop will execute until a is not less than 3, so the loop will execute three times, and afterwards a will be 3.
The other type of loop is the for loop. This has the form
for (initialiser; boolean expression; loop_statement) statement;This, as you can see, is a bit more complex. There are three parts to the control structure of the loop. The first part is executed before the loop starts, so only happens once. The second part is like the boolean expression in the while statement. If it is true, the loop executes, otherwise it exits. The third part, the loop statement, is executed each time the loop restarts. So, looking at an example...
var a; for (a=0; a<3; a++) { print(a); } print("done");This code declares a variable a. Then, the for loop starts. a is assigned the value 0 in the initialiser. Then, the test is executed. a IS less than 3, so the loop body executes, printing the value 0. Then, a is incremented by the loop statement. The test is then executed again. a is still less than 3, so the loop body executes again, printing the value 1. a is incremented again, tested again, and the loop executes again, printing 2. a is incremented, to become the value 3. This time, the test is false, as a is NOT less than 3, so the loop finishes, and the program continues, printing "done". All very easy.
There are just two more things to cover before we finish this up. These are the break and continue statements. These can sometimes be useful if you want to change how a loop functions. A break statement will immediately break out of the loop body and continue with the program. A continue statement will stop the current execution of the loop body and skip to the next iteration of the loop.
var a=0; while (a<2) { print("hello "); a++; break; } print("goodbye!");This will print "hello goodbye!", as the loop is broken out of on the first iteration by a break statement.
var a=0; while (a<2) { print("hello "); a++; continue; print("hi "); } print("goodbye!");This will print "hello hello goodbye!", as the loop is stopped halfway through and restarted by the continue statement. You shouldn't need these statements very much, but they're always useful to know.
Well, that was another huge amount of information to take in, but now you should be ready to attack VRML scripting properly! If you want more information on ECMAScript programming, there are plently of Javascript resources out there. Just remember that ECMAScript is only core Javascript 1.0, so enhancements in later versions won't necessarily work. You can get a free copy of the official ECMAScript spec from ECMA themselves. Next time, we're going to have a go at creating our first script. It won't do anything amazing just yet, but we'll get there, I promise. Next time, we'll be back to the practical VRML stuff. About time, too!